Renate Strondl

Renate Strondl


As an Osteopath I look at the whole body and identify various dysfunctions. My therapeutic goal is then to correct primary and dominant dysfunctions.

Therapeutic Focus

Acute and chronic complaints of the musculoskeletal system

Pain experienced during movement, load or calm;
Neck and back problems, instability, joint pain, scoliosis, tennis elbow, golfer´s elbow, vertical foot,
splay foot, flat foot, etc.

Rest Disorders

Sleep disturbance, indigestion and inner unrest

Low Level Laser Therapy

Disorders of the Head and Neck Area

Headache, dizziness, tinnitus, chronic sinusitis and otitis media, jaw problems including chewing and
swallowing, managing tooth braces.

Gynaecological Problems

Menstrual cramps, incontinence and recurrent urinary tract infections

Your Therapy

Please bring a prescription for osteopathy or physiotherapy from your GP or specialist as well as the Doctor’s approval from your health insurance.

First appointment

Initially I will make an accurate medical consultation and a careful osteopathic and physiotherapeutic diagnosis of your condition(s).

Thereafter I will carry out the therapy actively and passively. For improved healing, I can also recommend home exercises.

Renate Strondl, Osteopathie und Physiotherapie

Please note:

I am an elective therapist, that is I initially bear the cost of the therapy and then receive a share from your health insurance company. Additional private insurance often covers the remaining amount.

About me

Renate Strondl
Osteopath and Physiotherapist

From 2005 self-employed physiotherapist at Vienna 1010, 1030, 1200, also 3950 Gmünd/NÖ and 3871 Brand/NÖ.
Before that Centre for Rehabilitation Moorheilbad Harbach NÖ, Institute for Physical Medicine at Gmünd and Zwettl/NÖ

Renate Strondl, Physiotherapie und Osteopathie, Wien

Additional Qualifications

Osteopathic Medicine (IAO Vienna, Passau, München) – musculosceletal, visceral and craniosacral

Masters at the Donauuniversity Krems/NÖ

Courses for Child Osteopathy (IAO Vienna)


Manual lymphdrainage by Dr. Vodder

Manual therapy by Cyriax

Medical triggerpoint therapy

Mc Kenzie conzept


FDM by Typaldos fascial distortion treatment

MFT-, MBT- Nordic walking and snow shoe instructor


Appointments must be scheduled in advance!

Please contact 0043 680 1243994!

If you are unable to attend your appointment, please cancel in good time (at least 24 hours before the agreed date). Appointments not cancelled in good time will be charged.